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  • We accept DOC, DOCX, PDF and RTF documents.
  • File size should not exceed 5MB.
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CV Writing Tips

It is imperative that when writing your CV, two important factors need to be considered:

  • Who will be reading my CV?
  • What 'stand out' qualities will make me outshine the competition?

Your CV needs to be clear, factual and easy on the eye. Finding a format is just as crucial as the words you use. A big 'no no' are buzz words or abbreviated the words. Never assume that the person reading your CV will understand the jargon you use.

Make sure that your contact details are clearly stated at the top of your CV if you want potential employers to be able to contact you. Write a brief career summary/personal profile at the start of your CV so that it gives the reader a clearer understanding of your background, skills, personality and future career aspirations.

Your education should be clearly marked and to include grades (only if you know them or have the certificates as proof). Putting incorrect information on your CV or falsifying your education will have consequences further down the line, so always be truthful in the information you provide.

Finally, your Employment History should incorporate the dates (including the Month's and the Year's of employment), your company name and job title. Duties should be again easy on the eye, and the best way to get across your experience is to bullet point your duties including who you report into, what team or department you are based in, what are your day-to-day duties and followed by an achievement.